Are you yoga-CURIOUS? Have you committed to a new healthy habit, but you need some place to start? Do you have a practice but feel you’re missing something? We are here for YOU - all of you: the anxious, the ready, the tired, the excited. Join us for a two-part series focused on Beginners Yoga.

First session, you will learn about what yoga is - also, what it’s not. It will provide a foundation to ease uneasiness, and get you ready for a consistent practice. We’ll discuss the importance of breathwork and remove the mysticism around tools used in yoga.

Second session will focus on different class types - finding what is right for you and applying it. Let the teachers be your alignment guide to a safe beginning!

Each participant will receive a special price on packages in addition to all that is learned!

Greta and Kristen both have over a decade’s worth of experience in teaching yoga, applying principles of yoga for trauma, and having a good time with yoga students in the process. You’re promised a good time and healthy connections.

In the words of Taylor Swift, “Are you ready for it?”